4月25日,王跃进校长一行访问了明尼苏达大学,受到德鲁斯校区的国际部主任Chris Haidos先生热情地接待。
参观校园后,双方就大学预科和AP项目进行了深入地探讨,探究可否进行长期师生互访。同时,就课程设置方面进行了论证,探究是否可以实现学分的相互转换。Chris Haidos先生对我校学生给予了高度肯定了。双方坚信日后定会有更加深入的合作。明尼苏达大学创立于1851年,位于密西西比河畔,是美国北部的公立大学,更是享誉世界的著名大学,2015USNews世界大学排名29。它有四个校区分别是:双子城,德卢斯,莫里斯和克鲁斯顿。学校总共有6万多名学生和众多国内外知名教授、学者及高等教学和研究机构。明尼苏达大学在国际研究,教学和公共事业方面有着稳固和经久不衰的美誉。王跃进校长一行此行还看望了去年交换到我校工作的教师Jolane Sundstrom和John Sundstrom,两位美籍老师说:回到德鲁斯后很想念大连,想念大连理工大学附属高中的师生。而且Jolane表示今年六月会和德鲁斯的教育局局长、高中校长以及学生一同回访我校,看望他们在大连的朋友们。John Sundstrom还陪同王校长一行访问了明尼苏达大学。
图Jolane Sundstrom和John Sundstrom
图 王跃进校长与Chris Haidos先生洽谈合作
Delegation Visited University of Minnesota
On April 25th Principal Wang and his delegation went to visit University of Minnesota Duluth and were warmly welcomed by Mr. Chris Haidos, Director of International Partnerships and Outreach.
After giving a tour of the campus, the two parties had a deep conversation on the development of prep-college courses and AP program, and explored the opportunity to develop faculty and students exchange, curriculum design and credit accreditation. Mr. Chris Haidos spoke highly of our students and hope to further long term and deep cooperation in the future.
University of Minnesota was founded in 1851 and the original campus overlooked on the Mississippi River. It is the best known public university in the north and is ranked the 29th in 2015 US News University Ranking. It has sister campus in Minneapolis, Duluth, Morris and Crookston with more than 60,000 students and prestigious professors, scholars and research center. It has historically enjoyed fame in international research, education and public affairs.
Meanwhile Principal Wang visited John and Jolane, the two teachers who worked in our school last semester. They missed the good time in our school and friendly teachers and students. Jolane will come back with the Delegation leading by Superintendent of Duluth Public Schools in this June.