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2015年4月22日,王跃进校长一行应邀参观访问西北密歇根大学,受到密歇根大学国际交流院长ConstanzaC.Hazelwood女士的热情接待。王校长和Constanza C. Hazelwood女士就大学预科和AP项目进行了深入地探讨,探究可否在交换学生的基础上进行教师互换。同时,就课程设置方面进行了论证。Constanza C. Hazelwood女士对我校国际化办学给予了高度肯定,并表示日后定将进行更加深入的合作。王校长一行还看望了目前就读于该校的我校应届优秀毕业生刘卓如。刘卓如在高三阶段已经在西北密歇根大学完成15分大学学分。她说,这不仅为她省下了部分大学学费,同时也为她升学打下了很好的基础,她很感谢母校给她创造的这个机会。西北密歇根大学(NMC)是一所坐落在特拉夫斯市内的公立大学,该校航空航天学和海上航运学在全美名列前茅。目前我校在特拉夫斯西部高中和中央高中就读的学生可以兼修该校的学分。这样一方面可以提前学习大学课程,另一方面还可以提前体验大学生活。

图 王跃进校长与刘卓如

图 王跃进校长一行与Constanza C. Hazelwood女士



Delegation Visited Northwestern Michigan College

On April 22th Principal Wang and his delegation went to visit Northwestern Michigan College and were warmly welcomed by Ms. Constanza C. Hazelwood, Dean of International Education Department. The two parties exchanged ideas on the development of AP program, students and faculty exchange and course accreditation. Ms. Hazelwood spoke highly of our international program and had great confidence on further cooperation in the future. Meanwhile Principal Wang met Liu Zhuoru, an excellent graduate from our school and now studying in NMC. Liu Zhuoru had finished 15 credits of NMC while she was in high school, which helped her save  money for university study and more importantly, laid a solid foundation. She appreciated the great opportunity given by our school to study in NMC. NMC is a public college in Traverse City of which the aviation and maritime study listed on the top of the states. Currently our students enjoy the privilege to earn college credits while they are in The Western High School and The Central High School, which helped them to learn college courses in advance and get to know college life as well.


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